
Housing developers pay a levy called Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) to the three district planning authorities of Broadland District Council, Norwich City Council and South Norfolk Council, to provide supporting infrastructure to accommodate the growth.
Once the amount for neighbourhood CIL and an administration fee is deducted, the remaining balance is transferred to the Greater Norwich Growth Board (GNGB) into a 'shared pool' called the Infrastructure Investment Fund (IIF).
The IIF is then allocated to projects across four infrastructure themes: Communities, Education, Green Infrastructure and Transport.

Find out more about our funding
Infrastructure Investment Fund
Find out about what the Infrastructure Investment Fund is, and how funding is allocated.
Infrastructure Funding Statements
Find out about how much Community Infrastructure Levy is received in Greater Norwich, and how it is spent.
Neighbourhood CIL
Find out what Neighbourhood CIL is and how it is administered in Greater Norwich.
Adoption of CIL
Find out about how Community Infrastructure Levy was adopted in Greater Norwich, and view the formal examination documents.
CIL Charging Policy
Find out about Greater Norwich's CIL Charging Policy, which defines how CIL can be spent.
Greater Norwich Growth Board partners