The Greater Norwich Growth Board publish a range of planning and strategy documents, which are used to inform infrastructure development and provide strategic direction for the area.

Key Publications
Greater Norwich Infrastructure Plan
Provides a high-level summary of what infrastructure is needed to support growth in Greater Norwich.
Five Year Infrastructure Investment Plan
Provides a financial overview of Greater Norwich, including the amount of CIL income received and reporting how it is spent.
Annual Growth Programme
Identifies a shortlist of eligible projects which have been selected to receive funding from the Infrastructure Investment Fund.
Physical Activity and Sport Strategy
Provides recommendations and strategic direction to implement an integrated approach to sport and physical activity.
Annual Monitoring Report
Assesses how the Greater Norwich area is performing against the objectives set out in the Joint Core Strategy and Greater Norwich Local Plan.
Other Greater Norwich Publications
Joint Core Strategy
Find out about Greater Norwich's first adopted planning policy document.
Greater Norwich Local Plan
Find out about Greater Norwich's current adopted local plan, which guides growth for the area.
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