Annual Monitoring Report
The Annual Monitoring Report assesses how the Greater Norwich area is performing against the objectives set out in the Joint Core Strategy and Greater Norwich Local Plan.
Publication Type: Annual Monitoring Report | Publication Date: 24 March 2025
Each spring the Greater Norwich authorities work together to prepare an Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) which provides a useful indication of how the Greater Norwich area is performing against the objectives set out in the Joint Core Strategy (JCS) and the Greater Norwich Local Plan (GNLP).
The monitoring year runs from 01 April to March 31.
The report includes:
- Updates on how the Greater Norwich area is performing against objectives set out in the JCS and GNLP.
- Outlines the five year land supply position across Greater Norwich.
- Updates the Sustainability Appraisal baseline.
- Monitors the implementation of each Local Authority's policies from their respective local plans.
- Includes information on Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) receipts for the monitoring year.
- Provides detail on how the Local Authorities have met the Duty to Cooperate.
Access the Annual Monitoring Report
Download the AMR
Download a PDF of the Annual Monitoring Report 2022/2023.
View previous versions of the AMR
Enter 'Annual Monitoring Report' in the publication search to navigate to previous versions of the report.
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