Physical Activity and Sport Strategy
The Physical Activity and Sport Strategy provides recommendations and strategic direction to implement an integrated approach to sport and physical activity across Greater Norwich.
Publication Type: Physical Activity and Sport Strategies | Publication Date: 06 October 2022
The Greater Norwich Physical Activity and Sport Strategy (PASS), published in Summer 2022, sets out our vision for increasing levels of physical activity and sport in the Greater Norwich area. This strategy replaces the 2014 Sports Facilities and Playing Pitches study, which was previously used to inform decisions around sport and physical activity infrastructure.
The PASS was match funded by Sport England and developed in accordance with their Strategic Outcomes Planning Guidance. The strategy provides recommendations to implement an integrated and more inclusive understanding of physical activity and sport, considering its effects on mental as well as physical health whilst also seeking to address barriers to participation.
This updated strategy introduces a broader approach, which moves away from only considering physical activity in relation to that which is undertaken in a sports facility. It also recognises the importance of informal forms of physical activity such as walking for pleasure or opting to cycle to work instead of using the car.
Physical Activity and Sport Strategy 2022 - 2027
Download a PDF copy of our three key documents or access all of the documents that were created as part of the Physical Activity and Sport Strategy 2022.
Physical Activity and Sport Strategy
Action Plan
Strategy on a Page
View all Strategy Documents
Annual Delivery Updates
Each year the Greater Norwich Sports and Physical Activity Working Group (SPAWG) work together to collate an update on the PASS with the aim of extending the validity of it and showcasing some of the work that has been undertaken to help enhance opportunities to be physically active in Greater Norwich.
Physical Activity and Sport Strategy - Year 1 Update
Physical Activity and Sport Strategy - Year 2 Update
Greater Norwich Growth Board partners