Partnership structure
The Greater Norwich Growth Board (GNGB) is made up of Broadland District Council, Norfolk County Council, Norwich City Council and South Norfolk Council.
Our board is made up of the four council leaders. They work together to provide strategic direction, monitoring and coordination of both the city deal and wider growth programme for the Greater Norwich area.
Greater Norwich Growth Board
Councillor Susan Holland

Councillor Kay Mason Billig

Councillor Mike Stonard
Councillor Daniel Elmer
Working groups
The GNGB is supported by several cross-authority working groups, which ensure the strategic delivery of infrastructure across Greater Norwich.

At the base are four thematic groups:
- Sports and Physical Activity Working Group (SPAWG): Represents the sport and physical activity part of the community infrastructure theme.
- Norfolk County Council's Education Team: Represents the education infrastructure theme.
- Green Infrastructure Programme Team (GIPT): Represents the green infrastructure theme.
- Transport for Norwich Board (TfN): Represents the transport infrastructure theme.
These thematic groups report to the Delivery Officer Group (DOG), which then reports to the Infrastructure Delivery Board (IDB). The IDB, in turn, reports to the GNGB, which sits at the top of the structure.
Additionally, the Greater Norwich Project Team (GNPT) operates alongside this hierarchical structure, providing support to all groups and boards within the Greater Norwich partnership.
Explore the role of our groups
Infrastructure Delivery Board
The Infrastructure Delivery Board (IDB) is made up of directors from each partner authority. This board has a critical role in supporting the GNGB to deliver the aspirations of Greater Norwich and is responsible for:
- Managing the Infrastructure Investment Fund and making recommendations for new allocations.
- Monitoring the Greater Norwich Growth Programme and Greater Norwich City Deal.
- Providing advice and support to the Greater Norwich Growth Board, by looking ahead to identify potential risks and future opportunities.
- Providing strategic direction for the working groups across the Greater Norwich partnership to ensure infrastructure is delivered in key growth areas.
Delivery Officer Group
The Delivery Officer Group (DOG) is made up of cross authority senior officers who lead on delivery across the four infrastructure groups. These groups are Community (including libraries and sports and physical activity) Education, Green Infrastructure, and Transport. The group also includes representatives from the Greater Norwich Local Plan team and The Broads Authority. The DOG plays a strategic role in infrastructure delivery across Greater Norwich, and is responsible for:
- Delivering the Greater Norwich Infrastructure Plan on an annual basis, providing status updates for projects and ensuring that the plan aligns with other related plans at a local and national level.
- Supporting the decision-making process for the acceptance of each Annual Growth Programme.
- Encouraging strategic projects for inclusion within the Annual Growth Programme and providing guidance to officers who apply to the Infrastructure Investment Fund.
- Guiding the delivery of infrastructure across Greater Norwich to support the overall growth.
Sports and Physical Activity Working Group
The Sports and Physical Activity Working Group (SPAWG) is made up of specialist officer representatives from the four Greater Norwich partner authorities, together with Active Norfolk. This group plays a key role in supporting the residents of Greater Norwich to have the opportunity to be more physically active, and is responsible for:
- Identifying sport and physical activity priorities in the Greater Norwich area, to inform the Greater Norwich Infrastructure Plan.
- Identifying where there are gaps in current sport and physical activity infrastructure and, assembling and managing a sport and physical activity programme to inform delivery across Greater Norwich.
- Enabling, encouraging, and monitoring delivery of the Greater Norwich Physical Activity and Sport Strategy, ensuring it is reviewed and updated as required.
- Ensuring that the sport and physical activity programme aligns with relevant local and national strategies and policies, including Sport England.
Green Infrastructure Programme Team
The Green Infrastructure Programme Team (GIPT) is made up of specialist officer representatives from the four Greater Norwich partner authorities, together with The Broads Authority as a key stakeholder. This group plays a key role in enhancing green infrastructure (which include parks, open spaces, footpaths and rivers) for people and nature. It is responsible for:
- Enabling, encouraging, and monitoring delivery of the Greater Norwich Green Infrastructure Strategy, ensuring it is reviewed and updated as required.
- Assembling and managing a programme of green infrastructure projects across Greater Norwich.
- Identifying the green infrastructure strategic priorities within the Greater Norwich area, to inform the Greater Norwich Infrastructure Plan.
- Contributing to providing a multi-functional green infrastructure network, including provision of areas of accessible open spaces, wildlife habitats and links between them.
- Ensuring cross authority awareness about ongoing and upcoming green infrastructure projects, as well as identifying where there are gaps in current green infrastructure delivery to help inform future delivery.
- Ensuring that the green infrastructure network meets the requirements of the Habitats Regulations Assessment of the Greater Norwich Local Plan and other important Development Planning Documents.
Greater Norwich Project Team
The Greater Norwich Project Team (GNPT) are a team specifically employed to support the workstreams of the GNGB. The project team play a vital role in ensuring infrastructure is delivered in key growth locations across the partnership area, and is responsible for:
- Managing and producing the various Greater Norwich publications and reports in accessible formats.
- Organising the annual call for projects to the Infrastructure Investment Fund and appraising applications against the agreed guidance.
- Bringing forward the delivery of the projects in the Greater Norwich Growth Programme, seeking guidance and direction from the Infrastructure Delivery Board where required.
- Coordinating the partnership working groups and working collaboratively to ensure the partnership objectives are delivered.
- Enabling the delivery of strategic infrastructure across the partnership, as instructed by the Infrastructure Delivery Board and Greater Norwich Growth Board.
Greater Norwich Growth Board partners