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Greater Norwich Growth Board

Growing Stronger Communities Together


Adoption of CIL

In April 2010 a new way of collecting developer contributions to help fund infrastructure projects was introduced. The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) allows local authorities to charge a tariff, at a locally set rate, on many types of new development. The money can then be used to pay for a wide range of additional infrastructure that is required as a result of development. In Greater Norwich this can include transport schemes, green infrastructure, schools and community facilities.

Charging schedules were produced jointly by Broadland District Council, Norwich City Council and South Norfolk Council, working together with Norfolk County Council. Each of the district councils is the “Charging Authority” for their area.


The Examination into the Charging Schedules for Broadland, Norwich and South Norfolk was undertaken as a Joint Examination under Regulation 22 of the Community Infrastructure Levy (Amendment) Regulations 2011.

The examination was undertaken by Mr Keith Holland, BA (HONS) DIPTP MRTPI ARICS, an independent planning inspector provided by the Planning Inspectorate.

The Programme Officer for this examination was Annette Feeney, who acted as an impartial officer of the Examination under the Examiner’s direction and not an employee of the Council.

Examination hearings were held on 16 and 17 October 2012 and the Examiner’s Report was received on 4 December 2012.

Report on the Examination of the Draft Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedules for Broadland, Norwich and South Norfolk   Size: 87 KB – Date: 04/12/2012

Draft Charging Schedule SubmissionShow/Hide

On Friday 10 August 2012 Broadland District Council, Norwich City Council and South Norfolk Council submitted their Draft Charging Schedules and supporting documents to the Planning Inspectorate for independent joint examination (under Regulation 22 of the Community Infrastructure Regulations 2010 (as amended)).

SD 1 Broadland District Council Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule
SD 2 Statement of Modifications to the Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule for Broadland District Council
SD 3 Norwich City Council Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule
SD 4 Statement of Modifications to the Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule for Norwich City Council
SD 5 South Norfolk Council Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule
SD 6 Statement of Modifications to the Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule for South Norfolk Council
SD 7 Statement of Representations received following the publication of the Draft Charging Schedules
SD 8 All representations made in accordance with Regulation 17 (these are available in the document library by searching for reference SD8)
SD 9 Statement of Compliance with the relevant legislation and regulations
SD 10 Community Infrastructure Levy: Background and Context (Updated for Submission, August 2012) 

A number of documents form the Community Infrastructure Levy Document Library. The library contains all the submission documents but also includes national planning policy, evidence documents and other documents which informed the preparation of the CIL Draft Charging Schedules. The full list is available here. All documents are referenced and can be located in the document library here.


Community Infrastructure LevyShow/Hide

Draft Charging Schedule PublicationShow/Hide

In accordance with Section 212 of the Planning Act 2008 and Regulations 16 and 17 of The Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended), the Partnership published the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Draft Charging Schedules for Broadland, Norwich and South Norfolk from Monday 6 February 2012 until 5pm on Monday 5 March 2012.

The published documents can be viewed below.

DCS 1 Broadland District Council Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule
DCS 2 Norwich City Council Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule
DCS 3 South Norfolk Council Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule
DCS 4 Community Infrastructure Levy - Background And Context (Updated February 2012)

A schedule of representations received, with an officer response, and a report of consultation are available to view below.

Report Of Responses Received In Accordance With Regulation 17 with Officer Comment   Size: 322 KB – Date: 10/08/2012

Statement of Representations received following the publication of the Draft Charging Schedules   Size: 736 KB – Date: 10/08/2012

All representations received can be found in the document library by searching for reference DCS.

Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule ConsultationShow/Hide

Preliminary Draft Charging Schedules for the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) for Broadland, Norwich and South Norfolk, were published under the Community Infrastructure Regulations 2011 and comments were invited on these Schedules over a six-week period from Monday 3 October 2011 until Monday 14 November 2011.

In order to comply with the regulations, three separate Preliminary Draft Charging Schedules were published for comment. The only difference in the schedules related to the geographical charging zones for residential development, Norwich is entirely in Zone A and Broadland and South Norfolk include areas in both Zone A and Zone B.

Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule Consultation Documents

CIL 1 Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule For Broadland
CIL 2 Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule For Norwich
CIL 3 Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule For South Norfolk
CIL 4 Community Infrastructure Levy - Background And Context (October 2011)

Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule Consultation Reports:

Regulation 15 Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule - Report of Consultation   Size: 1.3 MB – Date: 01/12/2011

Regulation 15 Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule - Audit of responses and Officer Comments   Size: 677 KB – Date: 01/12/2011

All representations received can be found in the document library by searching for reference CIL.