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Greater Norwich Growth Board

Growing Stronger Communities Together


What we do

The GNGB works in partnership, to monitor and drive forward the delivery of infrastructure which is required to support growth in Greater Norwich. We pool the CIL income received in our three district authority areas into one shared Infrastructure Investment Fund (IIF). The IIF is then used to support the delivery of strategic infrastructure projects across the full partnership area. Since 2014 we have allocated approximately £39m of IIF funding, and £54.5m of CIL supported borrowing which has helped lever in at least an additional £294m of match funding to deliver infrastructure projects across the Greater Norwich area.

We use IIF funding to support a programme of projects in Greater Norwich, which  deliver infrastructure across 4 core themes: Green Infrastructure, Transport, Education and Community (Which includes Libraries and Sport and Physical activity infrastructure).

Find out more about CIL/IIF

Explore our projects

We publish Planning and Strategy documents, to inform infrastructure development and provide strategic direction for the region. These include:

  • Greater Norwich Infrastructure Plan – Provides a high-level summary of what infrastructure is needed to support growth in Greater Norwich.
  • 5 Year Infrastructure Investment Plan – Provides a financial overview, capturing the amount of Community Infrastructure Levy income received  into the Infrastructure Investment Fund , and reports how it is spent.
  • Annual Growth Programme - Identifies a shortlist of eligible projects which have been selected to receive Infrastructure Investment Fund (IIF) funding by the GNGB.
  • Greater Norwich Physical Activity and Sports Strategy - Provides recommendations and strategic direction to implement an integrated approach to sport and physical activity. Published Summer 2022.
  • Greater Norwich Green Infrastructure Strategy - Provides recommendations and strategic direction for the development of Green Infrastructure in Greater Norwich. Originally published 2007, work is underway for an updated version which we expect to publish in 2025.
  • Annual Monitoring Report – Assesses how the Greater Norwich area is performing against the objectives set out in the Joint Core Strategy (JCS) and Greater Norwich Local Plan (GNLP.) In the future, the area will only be monitored against the objectives set out in the GNLP, which covers the period to 2038. 

Explore our publications and reports