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Greater Norwich Growth Board

Growing Stronger Communities Together


Protected Document

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment: Broads Authority Maps Part 1 (index)

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Maps Disclaimer

The maps indicate the probability of flooding associated with river systems. Certain areas are also at risk of direct flooding associated with failure or overtopping of coastal defences. Information relating to the risk of coastal flooding is available from the Environment Agency maps, and these may need to be referred to, rather than the SFRA maps, for settlements which are subject to both fluvial and direct tidal flooding, such as Catfield, Hickling, Horsey, Ludham, Potter Heigham, Stalham and Sutton.

For selected settlements affected by fluvial flooding there are individual maps showing extent of a 1 in 20 year event, 1 in 100 year event and 1 in 1000 year event, with and without climate change. Where a particular watercourse reach is tidally influenced, the mapping shows (with and without climate change) the 1 in 20 year flood outline; the outline for a combination of the fluvial 1 in 100 year event combined with the 1 in 200 year tidal event; and the 1 in 1,000 year outline.

This does not reflect depths of water that could be reached in existing property, as no allowances are made for individual property construction details.

Direct flood risk from tidal inundation is indicated through specific coastal breach scenarios (at Wells, Morston and Sea Palling) which illustrate the impacts of a breach in those particular locations. The placement of individual breach locations does not imply a weakness in the defences, but is intended to show the scale of flooding that could occur from a single breach in those specified locations. The SFRA does not model all possible breaches that could occur and the EA maps need to be referred to in order to assess the risk to the wider area from a coastal breach / overtopping.

When viewing these images you do so understanding the above and the context in which these images have been created, i.e. as part of the Greater Norwich Development Partnership and North Norfolk District Council SFRA, and they do not imply any specific vulnerability or likelihood of flooding other than in the context expressly stated in the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment SFRA document. The SFRA maps and reports are intended for guidance only and are not designed to be accurate at the individual property level. If considering development you should contact the Environment Agency and the Local Planning Authority for advice.

The Greater Norwich Development Partnership and North Norfolk District Council assert their copyright of these images, and unauthorised use is not allowed. If you wish to continue, you do so on the understanding that by registering for access you have agreed to the above conditions.